Compusoft Training Center, Inc
Hands-on, Instructor-led Training Classes
- Basic through Advanced Computer Skills
- Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access
- QuickBooks
- CompTIA's A+, N+, S+
Why Compusoft?
Hands-on, INSTRUCTOR-LED, Step-by-step training for 25+ years
Hands-on Instructor-led Training
1000's of positive testimonies reveal that our students absolutely love our small group size, hands-on, instructor-led, step-by-step training classes. Students also receive students manuals with exercise software.
25+ years of Training Experience
Compusoft is one of the leading computer training centers in Houston for 25+ years. Compusoft is a State licensed school. We offer small-groups, hands-on, instructor-led, step-by-step training classes. Small group and private tutorials are also available.
Top Rated Instructors
All of our trainers are state licensed Instructors. All Instructors have 20+ years of business application software training experience. Our instructors train students using hands-on, step-by-step training method. This has proven to be the absolute best way to teach software.
Popular Software Training
Training classes are available in most all popular business applications software. We offer training in Microsoft Office including Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Project. We also offer training in QuickBooks & CompTIA Certification.
Computer Training Classes in Houston, Texas
hands-on, instructor-led, step-by-step, training in Microsoft Office in Houston, Texas
join Thousands of happy students